Tuesday, November 14, 2006

So close..

the bread is baking..
but i was so close to perfection. until the last minute - when i placed the dough into the heated pyrex bowl. i flipped it..and it went to the side. :( not the middle. the side. so i have a lop sided bread.


check this out. she's really cool and mature. :) must have been tough for her.

and then i thought to myself, i want to save the world too! o_O ok. she isn't saving the world, she's saving the baking world from the dearth of poilane bread though.
or maybe i just want to be famous..and loved by the world. :P
either one is fine.

i'll post pictures of the bread in a bit.

report: Ok. the bread was awful awful!
very dense. it didn't rise. i'm not sure whether it's my fault or not. but i'll try again one more time. this time i'll increase the hydration % and use some bread flour to increase the gluten content.

but here's what bread shouldn't look like

ok. so far so good. the dough wasn't too dry. it didn't have the gluten stringiness..but i thought - ok gua. soft..almost like my pizza dough.

you can see the curved shape of the dough. :) it came out a little small...i thought..hm..well, maybe because i only used 3 cups of flour. which is a pretty small amount for "miche" - usually the recipe calls for like 6 cups of flour.

ah..the truth revealed. you can see the uneven colour of the bread. the darker bits are dense - the dough didn't rise, even though there is the cell structure i.e. little holes and big holes...

I threw it away.

it was unedible..a real shame.


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