Monday, December 11, 2006

Back In Business

I have my laptop back!!!! YIPPEEE. Thanks so much KF..I owe you. And now, random pictures from what seems like a long time ago.

This was the curry laksa I made for the Martinis (my cell group). Lizar's curry paste rocks!! It wasn't too hot and because I only added a little bit of coconut milk, it wasn't too heavy either. Looks good eh *grin*

This is the bubble tea I keep trying at A1 hoping each time that it would somehow have improved.... my hopes are currently still just hopes...

Egg chiffon with char siew from A1 as well. My favourite dish there..... I think possible my favourite dish in Chinatown. It's reputed to have 6 eggs in every dish!!! Cholesterol heaven...

My favourite vietnamese dish- Prawn & jelly fish salad. I had it 4 times in my last week in Melbourne. Every restaurant has a slightly different version... I don't have a personal favourite...i love them all!!!!

And while I don't have a picture of it, my very last meal in Melbourne was Ipoh Sar Hor Fun from Ipoh-something on Lygon street. The irony.


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