Thursday, December 07, 2006

3 weddings and more than just a funeral

I still in the midst of attending all 3 weddings over 3 weekends. In fact, I've only attended one so far so I still have 2 to go. As much as I complain about having to answer the same question with "no, I don't have a boyfriend yet" at these events, I rejoice with my friends. I rejoice at their happiness, I rejoice at what God has blessed them with, I rejoice at their new life together, I rejoice.

And yet, in the midst of all this rejoicing, I remember my friend's friend who was in a car accident in Melbourne only 2 days before I left. I remember her sadness, I remember that the accident was at 4am and that life support was turned off at 3 pm because he had so many internal injuries, I remember meeting him briefly at the pharmacy and being told what a smart student & nice boy he was, I remember.

I also think of my friend's uncle in Kota Bahru who committed suicide only yesterday due to pressure from loan sharks. I imagine her grandmother's sadness to have her husband pass away only 2 months ago and now her youngest son to die. I imagine how bleak the future now seems for his pregnant wife and their 2 young children. I imagine the suffering his family must be going through now. In fact, I can only imagine.

And still, God is God yet.

I don't pretend to understand all these things. I mean, I can't even begin to know how much they grieve. But I do know, that in the midst of all these things, if we cannot cling to God and even demand His accountability, then there is nothing left. There is no one else who can carry our burdens, no one else who understands and grieves with us, no one else who can give an answer, no one else who can withstand our anger, no one.

Colossions 2:17-These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

...and in Christ alone


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