Sunday, January 14, 2007


Raisin Cinnamon Bread...with 1/3 cup bobo the sourdough

Raisin Cinnamon Loaf, adapted from "The Bread Bible" by Rose Levy Berenbaum

Makes 1 tall, large loaf.

262g plain flour (approx 11% protein)
310g water
35g honey
3/4 teaspoon instant yeast

238g plain flour
30g powdered skimmed milk
3/4 teaspoon instant yeast

98g unsalted butter softened
11.5g salt


110g raisins
55g granulated sugar
7g ground cinnamon

+ Egg wash

1 tablespoon butter, melted

Changes - + 1/3 cup sourdough and play around with the amount of flour you have to add to compensate for the addition.
+ Vanilla Sugar for the inside. This really made a difference. The hint of vanilla- mmmm.

Alright..I only have an aluminium tin. and ..the dough was like too big for it, and too small for 2 tins. ho became a gigantic loaf of bread. Sigh. So much for "Dignity, always dignity"

I am waiting for it. It's baking right now. Today is one snowwyyy day. 10cm of snow. Too much work and not enough brains. I wrote my thought paper for my class and I think I sound too angry and annoyed at the theory. Unfortunately, that's the only way I could come up with something to talk about, since I don't really care about the theory, or have any thoughts on it. heh.

Oh. and voila! Here it is...Raisin Cinnamon Bread. :D

There is something satisfying about cooking. You cook and you reap. Now, I'm not sure there's something satisfying about reading a journal article. You read..and you either end up with more questions than you first began with, or you regress and decide that you really don't know anything after all. haha.


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