Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Guess what?

I heard about it, I read about it, I've searched high and low for it, but I never found it.
I went to the supermarket to get some chocolate to bake (friend's b'day tomorrow)..and as I casually browsed the produce section, something bright caught my eye.
I thought to myself, "interesting. very interesting". Yeah right! I was like "WHATTT??!!". :P
I first read about it in orangette
And I thought to myself, "I must get these lemons!"
But I never found them. All I found were big ugly yellow ones. bleh. They are like the ugly stepsisters of Cinderella.
And soon, I gave up i.e. learned hopelessness. :P
Ok, long story hor? heheh. Without further ado, may I present MEYER LEMONS!

Ok. options - I'm baking for my friend's b'day party next week.
Should I go with Orangette, or La Tartine ? Your votes please. :D

edit: what am i talking about? I have 7 lemons. 2 for cookies, 5 for tarts. OH MY!! perfect! heehee.


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