Monday, April 09, 2007

On saturday...

... We went to the market.
See how creative my titles are. I'm sure I'm breaking all the laws of creative writing ..haha. yeah. the one law - try to be creative.
and here i am..NOT being creative.
whatever laaahhh. My brain is SO tired from data analyses that the only thing it can really do right now is go "bluek" "bluek" "bluek". :S

Ok. So we went to the Farmer's market in Kitchener. We took a bus down. We had lunch at my favourite place, Korean BBQ (SO GOOD! here's a picture of mommy intently reading the menu...and our empty bowls. whahaha. sorry che: forgot to take pictures of the food. only remembered when we finished eating. :P) and then we stopped by the Asian grocery store.

And then my mother goes : eh. let's walk back"
I go "oh..back to waterloo"
my mother: "yeah"
me: "oh..ok"
my mother: "yeah. this way I can see kitchener"
me: "okaaayy".

so we walked..for 10 minutes, stopped at a 2nd hand bookstore, browsed a little and bought 2 books. Then we continued our journey. We walked for 15 minutes, stopped at the korean-japanese grocery store, browsed a little. Then..
mommy: "are we there yet"
me: "NO LAH! it's about 30-45 minutes away"
mommy: "oh. let's take the bus then"
me: O_o...
mommy: "yeah. then we can stop for coffee too. I'm tired"
me: "yes ma"
So we went to the Aroma Cafe in uptown.
Here is her hot with chocolate shavings.
This is my happy mother!

And this is a happy me!



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