Monday, April 09, 2007

and because it's been 20 days...

i've got lots to post. :D

mommy luuurrrvveesss the ice cream here!!! so we've been having ice cream practically every day ok?? wah liaaoo..i feel so fat already. :P

Anyway, everyday I go to school. One day, I messaged mommy and she tells me that she went for a walk and bought ice cream.
I said O_O it's sooo cold! she said yarp!
I said but ma, there's ice cream ("drumsticks") in the freezer. she said oh yeah. I didn't know.
haha. so we had delicious ice cream for dessert. fresh strawberries served french vanilla ice cream topped with melted chocolate and roasted almonds.


banzai! mommy is here! :D
Thank God. She's been such a blessing. :)


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