Monday, April 09, 2007

and then..

Aiyoh..see how cold she is?!! and she wants to eat ice cream. :P

Anyway, Kristin, mommy and I went for dinner at sole.
It was quite nice.

Mommy and I took a walk to the supermarket first and bought more strawberries..heehee!

Then she bought a chicken..and made chicken rice the next day!


Alright. sole is about 15 minutes away from my place - in uptown waterloo which is really not an "uptown" place at all. but anyway, uptown waterloo..mommy is not too pleased with it. haha. she thinks it's kinda boring.
and she's right. she was looking for 2nd hand bookstores (ma..we aren't in montreal anymore..sounds like "aunty em..aunty em...toto - we aren't in kansas no more" hehe)

So Kristin came a little late..

Mommy decided to go with minestrone soup and P.E.I mussels I went for portobello mushrooms on halibut, with root vegetables on the side. Quite nice! the fish was fresh and good.

We saw a friend of mine, D with her bf.
She left with her fiance!


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