Thursday, May 31, 2007

A time to talk...

A Time to Talk

When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don't stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven't hoed,
And shout from where I am, 'What is it?'
No, not as there is a time talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit. (Robert Frost)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Making bread one more time

Ok. So I tried the recipe one more time..failed again. grrr..

This time everything worked well until I shaped it. Perhaps I deflated it too much? Or could it be due to the skipping of the "rounding and resting step"?


Ok. I guess I'll try again. I folded it 3 times before putting it the fridge..and that worked better than just folding it twice.

Also the oven temperature was a little off I think. It didn't seem hot enough. No holes...
I don't know what crumb texture this is suppose to be..but it's still quite yummy. It's more like normal white bread instead of the usual chewy french bread texture.

oh well..
c'est la vie.

I'm going off to a CF retreat. :)
Hopefully it'll go well...
i hope.

Banana loaf cake and some other pictures

I went with David's recipe and mmm..deliccciiiouuss.
Unfortunately that was a low fat recipe..and used only egg whites.
3 egg yolks..left behind..
What was I to do? What COULD I do??

mmm...the banana bread was soooo good. the english creme complimented it perfectly! :D

heehee. ;)

Red wine in a cup..
I made lady fingers..well..
lady blobs more like it since they were just blobs.
I used Le Tartine Gourmande's recipe..but I didn't like it as much as I liked the Cordon Bleu recipe.
It was somehow..too eggy? The texture was kinda weird too.

Nonetheless, here's a picture of a cup of steaming hot tea and a lady blob. :)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Banana Bread...

J asks me every morning whether I'm baking banana bread...
..Am I Martha Stewart?

No. I'm Sook.
Well, Sook is nice and she feels sorry for J who does not have delicious banana bread to eat.
So Sook will bake Banana Bread and eat it on BEHALF of J.

*3rd person reference getting a little creeeeeppy!

So as before..
There is recipe 1 from Alpineberry.
There is recipe 2 from David.
And....recipe 3 from Elise

I'll buy bananas today. They will take a couple of days to maybe on Thursday? :D

Friday, May 11, 2007

Breakfast and the morning after..

So the day mommy left, I made crepes
Very nice..:)

The recipe is really easy
1 cup of flour
2 cups of milk
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp of oil

So mix the flour and salt. Then crack the eggs into the flour mixture. Mix it until you get some sort of eggy paste. Then pour the milk in bit by bit into the egg paste whilst stirring. Then add the oil.
Leave covered for an hour at least.
You can play around with the recipe to get the right consistency.

"Some recipes suggest letting crepe batter rest 1-2 hours before cooking because it allows the flour particles to expand in the liquid and promotes a tender and thin crepe. "

AND the day after mommy left..(a.k.a yesterday :) ), I made bread because I felt like kneeding.
Hm..I went wrong somewhere..probably because I didn't let the dough warm up before shaping. As you can see, the bottom of the bread is pretty dense. :(
But, nonetheless, the bread has a lovely sourdough taste due to the extended fermentation period.
The shape is also a little weird..

and I should have made deeper cuts to the dough..unfortunately i slashed it 5 minutes before baking..and the cuts? gashes? had closed a little by that time. (..I don't think this is the technical description ;))

Bye ma!

Janet Lynn...Never again

Talking about Janet Lynn's Bistro

We started off with a nice kinda flat bread. tasty, far so good.

Then we had antipasto for 2 - the presentation was pretty nice. It was served on a long curved board (my powers of description are lacking. sorry.)
There were about 10 different dishes - and like the variety of appetizers served..the quality also varied from below mediocre to above mediocre, but never straying too far from the midpoint. The prawns were fresh though :)

Mommy had salmon served with prawns and asparagus with some sort of white sauce.
The salmon was ..pretty bad. Not the taste per se, but the quality of the fish. :S
It was really fishy..:(
I had angus beef served with a mushroom sauce. They got the medium rare right. The taste was alright.

Ok. Overall..I give it a 6-7. Unfortunately, for the price we paid..I rather go to some chain like baton rouge (J: yay for ribs! :P )

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

alone again ..naturally

mommy's gone. :(
will post stuff up later.

we went to the "best restaurant" in KW area..O_o
really not so good. :S

I made crepes for breakfast. O_O
it was really good. :)

and then I went to sulferino cafe for gelato in toronto after mommy left. not too bad. i overate.
yes, for some reason i felt that i should eat more because i'll probably never go back.
ahahah. what a terribly reason.

Friday, May 04, 2007

banana cake cont

Banana cake...

Mommy ate one banana up...

So I had only one banana to make banana cake or banana bread.

I decided to that I wanted something with bananas, maple and pecans.
So I found this recipe

So I caramelized the pecans in maple syrup. And made banana bread. :)

And yes..these chubby cheeks likes banana bread. ;)

existential heart attack

Do you see the same moon, the same star?


Does the sunset look the same way? The same silhouettes against the evening sky? The sky set on fire before darkness falls.