Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chocolate Expresso Mousse Cake

Today was a really slow day.
Some data analyses. I was happy when things worked out..double mediation until I realized that the mediation contracdicts my theoretical model! haha.

Am meeting G to talk about the results on Tuesday before she goes off to Ireland on Wednesday.

Anyway, I made chocolate mousse cake. Hm. No offence to David but I prefer the other flourless chocolate cake that I made. Maybe it's just me though..and not the recipe per se.
But the other one seemed smoother. The picture that I took was the extra mousse..:) I had too much "batter" so I ate it as mousse. heehee. Mousse and banana.
whoa. It was good. So somehow baking it made it a little weird.
K and D said it tasted like soya sauce.
But everyone else said it tastes nice.


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