Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Stories from a weary traveller


I'm back from South Africa....currently at The King's Lodge.

We left the YWAM base in Worcester, SA at 6am on Monday, and arrived here at 10.30 am on Tuesday. I am TIRED! Managed to sleep on the plane but still....am beginning to get a bit of a headache. Plus the fact that I'm also trying to sort out all the photos for the team and burn them out in a timely manner...

I'm just going to post up a few of my favourite pictures....

Raphael birthday pool party resulting in Raphael's Angels

Children on the trampoline at the Worcester base

Sunset in Lesotho

Kelda surrounded by school children at the first farm school we went to in Worcester

The ocean & mountain view in Muizenberg

I will post up more pictures when I can. The next few days are going to be preparation for graduation, goodbyes and tears.

Can't wait to see you all!!!!


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