Wednesday, August 29, 2007


In my quest to finish up some ingredients...
I made sourcream pancakes.
SO good! I recommend it to everyone! it's fluffy and nice. :))
It's the basic pancake recipe + sourcream (about 1/3 cup) + some baking soda...a pinch maybe? 1/4 tsp?
I also used some graham flour - which I like + pastry flour - but AP flour is fine. :)
Anyway, you can't go wrong.

Step 1
Looks ordinary

Step 2
Still looks ordinary..but there's just a hint of goodness..
Step 3
Now that's what I'm talking about! pancakes and nutella - a winning combo every time.

A close up of the goodness.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

braiding bread

wah! the wit!!


I had some creamcheese left from a batch of ricotta-creamcheese brownies which I made for a picnic. Sorry, it did not cross my mind to take pictures..

However! I took pictures of this loaf of bread. It's supposed to be blueberry creamcheese braid, but I used apricot jam instead.

I made this apricot jam..because I went the market and this man sold me overriped apricots. When I pointed out that some of the apricots were rotten, he handed me two peaches and dismissed me. :(
Anyway...I came back and made apricot jam. The only hard part was trying to get the almonds from the pit without crushing the nut (I was using my handy pliars). Yes..I bet you didn't know that there are almonds in apricot pits! :)
The bread was quite tasty! Although a little hard to handle because I used pastry flour..because I am trying to finish up the old batch of flour before I buy MORE flour! Anyway, I used about 1/2 cup of graham flour and about 2 1/2 tsps of vital wheat gluten.

As you can see.. it's not very pretty. And it was a little pastry-ie...but..yummy yum! There's no food like homemade bread. :)

Friday, August 10, 2007


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Day 2

Hi hi!
Today was my first day back at school. bleh. need a jump start. took me a while to decide what I need to do. Not feeling too smart:(On the way to Universal Studios..Woohooo

me. :)

Buddies - 10 years!
Thanks my friend for the good times. :D
Red carpet. ;)
Just one of the many characters around

Like Shrek!

And some ladiezzz..;p

One of the many poses I made sten do..
"Sten..pose sten pose!"
although he did refuse many times. heh

King kong set- It's surprisingly small..

How to create a flood 101
Open the flood gates!

Jaws! :S

Backdrop only lahh..couldn't find the real sign
A beautiful sunset to end the day

Monday, August 06, 2007

Time for an update

Ok ok!!
i'm baccckkk
LA was great. Apparently I'm not going to be a regular bread baker anymore..oh..wait..i can. i DO have dough hooks. ;)
hehehe. good. I thought I would have to buy white bread from the store!! *gasp*

The view from the plane - HK.
Seems quite nice. Here's a story. You get an hour of internet time if you buy something from the cafe. So i bought a hot cup of tea..sat down to write you guys and email and 10 minutes later, the cafe closed... +_+

Day One in LA
Winston's cool GPS navigator. I waaannnnttt!
Breakfast on Thursday at IHOP. The servings are enormous!
California..whooooo..looks like the movies hor?
First stop: Sea world.
Token picture

Dolly the dolphins and her friends.
I felt kinda sorry for the animals. They seem so amazing and here they are doing flips for us. But then I thought - well, dogs do that too..
seal - eyes closed. :)) so cute

Trained Seal..or navy seal....><
A killer whale entertaining itself before the show.

The US-mexico border
"Where are you going?"