Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Day 2

Hi hi!
Today was my first day back at school. bleh. need a jump start. took me a while to decide what I need to do. Not feeling too smart:(On the way to Universal Studios..Woohooo

me. :)

Buddies - 10 years!
Thanks my friend for the good times. :D
Red carpet. ;)
Just one of the many characters around

Like Shrek!

And some ladiezzz..;p

One of the many poses I made sten do..
"Sten..pose sten pose!"
although he did refuse many times. heh

King kong set- It's surprisingly small..

How to create a flood 101
Open the flood gates!

Jaws! :S

Backdrop only lahh..couldn't find the real sign
A beautiful sunset to end the day


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