Saturday, August 25, 2007

braiding bread

wah! the wit!!


I had some creamcheese left from a batch of ricotta-creamcheese brownies which I made for a picnic. Sorry, it did not cross my mind to take pictures..

However! I took pictures of this loaf of bread. It's supposed to be blueberry creamcheese braid, but I used apricot jam instead.

I made this apricot jam..because I went the market and this man sold me overriped apricots. When I pointed out that some of the apricots were rotten, he handed me two peaches and dismissed me. :(
Anyway...I came back and made apricot jam. The only hard part was trying to get the almonds from the pit without crushing the nut (I was using my handy pliars). Yes..I bet you didn't know that there are almonds in apricot pits! :)
The bread was quite tasty! Although a little hard to handle because I used pastry flour..because I am trying to finish up the old batch of flour before I buy MORE flour! Anyway, I used about 1/2 cup of graham flour and about 2 1/2 tsps of vital wheat gluten.

As you can see.. it's not very pretty. And it was a little pastry-ie...but..yummy yum! There's no food like homemade bread. :)


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