Monday, August 06, 2007

Time for an update

Ok ok!!
i'm baccckkk
LA was great. Apparently I'm not going to be a regular bread baker anymore..oh..wait..i can. i DO have dough hooks. ;)
hehehe. good. I thought I would have to buy white bread from the store!! *gasp*

The view from the plane - HK.
Seems quite nice. Here's a story. You get an hour of internet time if you buy something from the cafe. So i bought a hot cup of tea..sat down to write you guys and email and 10 minutes later, the cafe closed... +_+

Day One in LA
Winston's cool GPS navigator. I waaannnnttt!
Breakfast on Thursday at IHOP. The servings are enormous!
California..whooooo..looks like the movies hor?
First stop: Sea world.
Token picture

Dolly the dolphins and her friends.
I felt kinda sorry for the animals. They seem so amazing and here they are doing flips for us. But then I thought - well, dogs do that too..
seal - eyes closed. :)) so cute

Trained Seal..or navy seal....><
A killer whale entertaining itself before the show.

The US-mexico border
"Where are you going?"


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