Friday, October 26, 2007

The actual day

As in previous years, I wasn't feeling that social by the time my birthday rolled around. I didn't feel like fussing around organising my own birthday but then after the...errr..'telling off' I got from JL, I thought I'ld try harder this year. So, I did. I wanted to go to the Boathouse along the Maribyrnong but it's closed Monday nights. To tell the truth, I didn't care already after that so was willing to settle for Footscray. Thank God (once again) for good friends so with a little nudging from NHT, we ended up at Akira for Japanese.

(Akira is the Jap restaurant that was behind Mel's place in North Melbourne)

They have entree specials that change apparently twice a day. There's a selection of 15-20 dishes. We ordered a few things but my favourite was the deep fried crab and also the eggplant (no surprises there). Again, we were hungry so didn't get too many photos.

Fellow ex-trainees:

It was nice to just listen to the conversations and hang out together. I think I'm aging. Why did the lack of presents not bother me???? hehee

High Class

I was planning to eat dim sum with SA, JJ, HK & PT on the Saturday before my birthday. Of the 4, HK & PT couldn't make it & JJ ffk-ed me. So, it ended up with just SA and I. Unbeknownst to me, SA decided against dim sum and surprised me on that day with....LUNCH AT DONOVAN'S!!! ( ). I've been wanting to dine there for ages but couldn't afford it. And now I can say I have!!

We started with an entree. We opted for the '4 tastes' which had zucchini, corn, salmon and something else I can't remember. The zucchini was so simply cooked but it was really some zucchini! (Sorry, we were so excited that I forgot to take photos of the entree)

We then moved on to the mains. SA wanted seafood-either the Queensland leader prawns or the line caught fish. I told here that I wanted one or the other too. She ended up ordering the prawns:

And I had the fish. The fish of the day was baby snapper but I had no idea that it would be so big! I was honestly expecting something the size of the little ikan bawal that we used to deep fry. No way hose, this was HUGE!! It was perfectly cooked though. The flesh came away so easily from the bones but was in no way overcooked. The scary thing was that I actually finished the whole thing. It took a while but I did.

We then finished the meal off with coffee (for SA) & mint tea for me AND BOMBE ALASKA!! We has mentioned to the waitress earlier on that it was my birthday and the kitchen decorated my plate with 'happy birthday'. That's service for you. I was so full by then but it was so good. I even poured extra chocolate sauce on mine..*happy contented sigh*

It was such a lovely treat. Even the weather was perfect. I am blessed :)

ps. The meal kept me full for 1 1/2 days.

pps. There was a couple on the table next to ours who remarked to the waitress and then me that they were watching me the whole time and were quite impressed with my performance.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Birthday celebration

My birthday was super duper fantabulous. JB gave me chesnuts and mulling spice and Jen gave me ginger cookies and Emily gave me a cook book and Karina is making me dinner on Tuesday and Kristin took me out for lunch. wahh....
The restaurant - Del dante

L - R Emily, Karina and Jen

L-R ME! Jb, Dave.
I had wild mushroom chicken with roasted potatoes and goats cheese.
mmmm..I'm beginning to acquire a taste for goats cheese. It's rather enjoyable. :)
A satisfied customer.

Complimentary b'day brownie. Our server was excellent!

Kristin couldn't make it because she had training.
I leave for montreal in 8 hours. Good stuff! :)
I am quite overwhelmed by the love I received on my birthday. God is good and blessed me with people who were willing to spend time with me and buy stuff for me. So much to be thankful for y'know? :)

Love you alll!
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Daniel and leftovers...

Isn't this tasty looking??

I HAD to make this to use up the prosciutto I bought for the turkey. ;p
but oh so tasty!

And then I made risotto with roasted peppers and turkey breast.

Anyway, Daniel, the 1st year grad student who lives a couple of houses down came over to make sticky buns. :)

Daniel kneeding....he insisted on hand kneeding. haha. papa, just like you. ;)

Making bread is exhausting and nothing like a cuppa..:)
We talked over tea and sticky buns about evil and God and justice, etc.
At times like these, I am reminded of how little I know. But I feel like David who said "my heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes not haughty. I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore". Psalm 131

The proud baker. :)

Sticky buns. Recipe courtesy of the Daring Bakers. Highly recommend the recipe. The dough is amazing. One of the top buns I've made.

Monday, October 08, 2007


We celebrated thanksgiving this weekend. A couple of classmates and I got together to celebrate..

R - L : Roast beef, roasted veg, stuffing, turkey, mash potatoes
In the middle: mushroom caps

Close up of stuffing
Mushroom caps/Escargot dish

Glass of wine

I'm thankful for a great family who is so supportive of what I do and is always willing to sacrifice for me.
I'm thankful for friends who no matter how far they are, we can connect as if time stood still. I'm thankful for friends whom I don't talk to very often, but are willing to do things for me when I ask for favours. I'm thankful for my new house, which God so graciously provided in 3 weeks. I'm thankful for being here at Waterloo, that I have an opportunity to study. I'm thankful that Christ died on the cross and gave me life abundantly. That he continue to refines me and mold me to perfection. I'm thankful for the trials that I go through, knowing that the Father disciplines me out of love.

What are you thankful for?
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New Beginning

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