Thursday, May 15, 2008


How is it that we have not grasped how high, how wide, how long and how deep is the love of Christ? This love that surpasses all understanding.

I seek reassurance that I'm doing fine. Why do I depend on others to tell me what God has told me? That nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. Why do I rely on the world to tell me I'm doing fine? When Christ said, you did not choose me but I chose you.

She is right. Enough of this. The Lord is my portion and I put my hope in Him and Him alone.
Oddly, every time I think I reach a turning point, I feel a desire to shave my head.
But I don't think that would help me grasp how high, how wide, how long and how deep is the love of Christ. Oh, God have mercy on this sinner.


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