Friday, August 29, 2008

Kota Kinabalu

Mummy, Papa, Aunty K (AK) and I went down to KK for a long weekend. It was SO fun. We met AK's friends; Aunty R(AR) and Uncle K (UK) who were so kind to us. They picked us up from the airport, arranged our trips to the island and KK park and fed us non-stop.

We started our binge fest with steamed kaya bread and coffee. Then we went to the hotel & unpacked & got ready for dinner. Dinner was seafood and a cultural show at Nelayan (I think...). It was teeming with tourists as evidenced by all the buses outside the restaurang. I don't remember all the dishes we had (sorry), but I have pictures! :)

Cultural show- the dancers were really good and friendly. They even gave the tourists a chance to blow darts at ballooons.

Prawns- I think they were just blanced (Or steamed?) and served with dipping sauce.

Clams- They were Huge!!!!

Shellfish..maybe lala??? A little spicier than the clams and also really good.

Steamed fish. :)

Scallops- served with fried garlic. This was the best dish of the evening. They were actually sweet!!! Yummy.

But remember...this is only the beginning....


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