Saturday, October 04, 2008


Yoyoyo!! Guest blogger speaking!! This is really nice...feeling all warm and fuzzy with my latest mafily rights. Anyway, MM (Mafily Melbourne) woke me up early this morning with an sms that went something "*jibberish to me as barely awake....paper rolls. Want or not??". Anyway I arrived all enthusiastic and MM said to START MAKING, QUIIICKKLLYY!

*edited* MM said tell the truth and leave the right impression.

OK fine...admittedly I've never eaten rice paper rolls (cos the spring rolls at the viet places always sounded more interesting). So how would one know how to "MAKE" , let alone "QUICKLY" right? MM was kind and made the first one for me. So for those not in the know too, I've left instructions :)

First lay down noodles on a plastic sheet...

Then put some pig... (and if you're healthy the green stuff behind)...

...roll like popiah and VOILA! RPR (rice paper roll)! MM was reluctant to let me make her one though. I don't know why *shrug*.

MM also suprised me with candied peanuts which in turn suprised ME! Who knew they were almonds! (I still think they look suspiciously like peanuts...). That's me opening the peamonds :)

Oh boy...they're good...mmmMMmmm!

WOW! This blogging thing is fun! Time to eat the Freddo's I brought over before it melts in the freezer aka coldest part of the fridge. Till the next time...(can't be a usual thing...takes out the novelty of guest blogging) ya lots! OH OH! THANKS MM!! :) I'm so inspired I might quit med and open my own viet place :)



Blogger sookie said...

lol. i like how you LABELLED your own post. :P
good one mafily

11:18 AM  

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