Friday, October 17, 2008

Strangers no more..

So, the story behind Sook Ning's SUPER DUPER birthday present is a nice lady blogger in Canada called Liliana of

It all started when Mummy said I shouldn't send SN presents from Australia cause postage is too expensive. Also, I already bought her a present when we were back home in Malaysia. But, it's her 25th Birthday!!!!! A quarter of a century. It's downhill from here onwards! Of course there has to be more presents.... *grin*

My thoughts naturally turned to food especially cause SN's place doesn't have an oven. I had no idea where to start, so I contacted Ivonne from She didn't know either but suggested that her friend Liliana who "provides baked goods" (I'm not really sure what she meant by that). I emailed Liliana and she didn't really know either but offered to do it for me instead!!!! I was stoked! Secretly, I was hoping that she would offer but that she really did still surprised me a little. I promised her that I am a real person and gave her this blog address so she could 'verify' my identity :)

Liliana came up with really good ideas for biscotti, tea, gourmet chocolates and then even a china cup & saucer and the prettiest box to go with it. She emailed regularly, apologised when she couldn't. Didn't ask for a fee but said she'll scan the receipts and send it to me. The part that shows what an amazing person she is is that her father-in-law passed away during this time and she had been getting really bad migraines as well.

I am touched. That someone across the globe with whom I have never had any previous contact would care to do this.

I am blessed. That a God who is infinite in power and then some would care to make SN's birthday an extra special one.

So, thank you God and thank you Liliana.


Blogger Liliana said...

Sook Wern, I thought it was so touching that you wanted to do this for your sister. It was my pleasure to be able to help you to surprise Sook Ning for her special birthday (hey, I was 25 once!).

I also had the chance to 'meet' two wonderful people.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We thank God for bringing people into your lives to bless you. We ask our God to bless these dear people with the knowledge of His peace and joy all the days of their lives. Thank you Lord. Amen.


5:07 AM  

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