Saturday, January 03, 2009

Belated Christmas from me too!

Merry Belated Christmas from me too! I guess since Christ lives in us, when we wish each other then we'll be wishing him happy birthday too :) (That's my take on part of SN's musings)

Anyway, to set the Christmas scene, I had worked 3 weeks non-stop including having to stay back some evenings at work too. Just the way things worked out with people on leave and this being our busy busy period. Anyway, I was really tired and grumpy. Oh, and did I mention that I moved the weekend before too...

But then, it was Christmas...the season of good cheer. And besides, I had already paid for my ticket to Sydney so to Sydney I went determined to be of...well..good cheer :)

I left work early (present from line manager & colleagues) and got a ride to the airport (present from JJ). And I arrived to a SMS from Claire saying that they were already there. Those lovely girls had rented a car for my long weekend so I got to travel in Style (otherwise known as a Toyota Corolla).

We picked up Nicole (Emma's ex-housemate from Montreal) and went for a late night drive to see the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House as evidenced below. The pictures aren't very good I'm afraid. It was dark & my little point & shoot IXUS doesn't do very well in the dark.

Sydney Opera House

Sydney Harbour Bridge

And then it was home for the 1 'stocking filler' present we could open which turned out to be a Body Shop Bath Lily ( ) . Very fun..turns out that it'll be the 1st of many stocking fillers to be opened. Emma was the most popular and had the most...I'm quite sure it'll have hit the 50 mark!

The bath lily was the end of the night for me though. And Christmas morning will come in the next post :)


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