Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Day Off

I had my day off a Friday ago and the only set agenda I had was a walk and then a nice breakfast. I actually wanted to be super organised and work to a timetable but then it struck me, It's my day off!!!! So, like a friend suggested, I just went with the flow....

I ended up walking at around 9-ish am and then only ended up at my designated eating place-APTE at 11.30am. I read about APTE here: and was really keen to try it out. My only dilemma was if I should go sweet or savoury and OF COURSE I went sweet :)

I went for the toasted housemade banana and coconut bread. Can I just say, I know bread when I taste it and this definitely did not fall under category of bread. It was only a bread insofar as potatoes are vegetables. But boy was it good!!!

My breakfast looked like this:
With rhubarb as the stewed seasonal fruit on a mound of honey labna (a little like thick yoghurt) and sprinkled with pistachios:

The infamous Last Bite:

I was so full after that....My 'breakfast' that ended up as a late brunch lasted long into the night..but oh so good ;)

Oh, and there was coffee too that was also very good but obviously not the main star:

Ps. The weather was PERFECT too...which was a gift cause the weekend after that it HAILED!! Yes, in spring...crazy Melbourne...


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