Thursday, January 08, 2009

Christmas the down under way

On Christmas day itself, we woke up for tea and then to get ready for church which was literally just across the road. The girls got the time wrong ( half an hour earlier than service) so we went back for another cup of tea :)

The plan for the day was to prepare a picnic and then spend the day at the beach. I was really so tired that I came back after church and had a lonnnnnggg nap until it was time to go. Emma, Nicole and Claire kindly spent that time preparing our picnic. Once they were done, they came to wake me up and then we were OFF! Destination Palm Beach.....

....only that we never really made it there. We were so hungry that we stopped at a random beach before Palm Beach. Well, not random, just not very famous so it was a nice quiet place to hang out at.

There were sausages, burger patties, turkish bread and the BIGGEST salad ever for lunch! The photo doesn't do it justice but the salad filled up and then some the biggest baking tray the supermarket carried.

Before eating, we opened more stocking fillers....

This was my 'in anticipation' look for the camera

and tadah!!! A candle of the Sydney Opera House. It was so funny because over here it's such a cheesy Australian gift. The girls said that they were so unsure when they bought it but figured if I didn't like it, I could burn it and it'll be ok anyway..hahaha...

Emma in her reindeer horns:

Claire muscling open an orange:

It was such a nice day. I got a little hot and burnt though and ended up in 7-11 for icecream and then a slurpee. :)

On the way home we drove by Manly which is a very pretty beach with a sidewalk and all that...

What a Christmas. I've never done anything like this before. I really thank God for friends that are willing to be family and go shopping and make me feel welcome with stocking fillers. That let me sleep after 8 hours of sleep and only being awake for 2. So, thank you E & C. It was a lovely Christmas.


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