Saturday, February 21, 2009

x/xxx Arthur Street, Fairfield

This post is long long overdue. Sorry.

I now live in Fairfield with JJ. It's a far, far cry from the studio in the wild, wild west. I have a washing machine! I can sit up in bed! I have a separate kitchen with ventilation and an oven! I have a wardrobe with sliding doors!! It's all very exciting and most of all the blessing that is my housemate. I thank God...I really do..

This was the inaugural meal together we had in our new (well, not that new anymore) house. Vietnamese rice paper rolls on New Year's Eve..

L-R: Vietnamese basil & mint leaves, vermicelli, lettuce, Maggi sauce (that's really what it's called...), prawns, picked carrots, rice paper and sauce in the middle.

It was JJ's first experience with it and she loved it! It's fast becoming a household favourite...

JJ pouring drinks...

The drink- Maggie Beer's Desert Pearls with strawberries...stricly non alcoholic

And finally....some goodies from the local independant supermarket down the road. They have a little section where they sell home cooked meals, fresh pasta etc etc. They also stock all sorts of interesting imported goodies (for lack of a better word) like Le petit ecolier and italian nougat..what a life, what a life.. ;)


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