Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pau Shmau

Today was the first day of my long weekend. Well, technically the first afternoon of my long weekend since I worked in the morning. Monday's Labour day and I have Tuesday off!! YEAY!!!! I felt like something special of sorts should be in order so....

I made pau!! My filling comprised of chicken, pork, leek, mushrooms and fungus. I thought it was ok..JJ said ''interesting"..ahhahahahha

JJ had made pau using this flour brand so I thought I'll give it a shot. It has raising agents in it and doesn't require exciting! You just have to add milk and sugar knead, rest and use. Easy huh. SN said she tried using pau mix before and it wasn't crash hot but know what they say about not blaming your tools :p

However, there's something to say for wrapping talent which I obviously don't have.... This was pau 1..

..and then pau 2, 3 and 4. I didn't take photos of the rest cause it was downhill from thereon...

The finished product was really quite good. There was a lot more than expected so I'm going to freeze the bulk of them and eat them over the week at lunch...

And finally...the meal treat of the week..LO MAI FAN!! Also very good. Mostly because I put more filling than rice..haahha...the best way to eat it :)


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