Friday, March 27, 2009

Sugar Shacking

I went sugar shacking last Saturday. It's a pretty popular place - touristy, but the locals love it too. Basically, it's like blast from the past. You eat traditional QC food and listen to QC music. :)

On the way.

Look! they have horses too. haha. it's a carriage ride to the restaurant ..which is a 2 minute walk away. :p I guess it's part of the experience. :)
I don't know whether you can see this very well. But they had meat balls, mash potato, egg (like steam egg?), meat pie with fruit chutney, ham, sausages, bread AND MAPLE SYRUP!
Ok. but imagine a full bottle!!
Sugar pie and pancakes for dessert. But too sweet lah.

This was what was playing.
Then after, we went for taffy. :))
There was a bakery there. look at that oven. :)
bread for the resto.
raisin buns!! yummy. :)
cinnamon buns covered with ..yup..maple syrup.
Maple trees - they collect the liquid from the pails every morning.
Gen and I :)

Here is something more important though -
Turn to God and listen to some stuff about Him.
Man, God is so amazing!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

the buns look so good. the smell must be quite delicious.

7:55 PM  

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