Friday, September 29, 2006

another day

i'm quite tired today. long day.
my mind is buzzing and i just need to quiet down.

went for dinner and jazz - John Sherwood Trio at the Black Hole Bistro, Perimeter Institute (apparently the only place with good jazz in the loo)
he's a really big player - big chords and all. he has the same pattern for each tune though i.e. <>
but all in all, very enjoyable.

dinner was alright. could do with a bit of salt.
had lamb shank with white beans and herb ragout - the rosemary taste was really strong. i'm not a fan of white i found out.
desert was apple crumble with wild honey icecream. nice but sweet.
so..main course could have been better..i give the meal a 6/10

I'll go back for the jazz though. they have concerts every month. next time maybe i'll just go for "dinner" (since i want a good seat) and order an appetizer=soup and coffee= cheaper and i get a seat.

baking my cookies now. YAY! they turned out alright. no soda taste.

good, i'll give them to the lady who gave me free dishes (i put the cup of milk back into the fridge. i don't drink milk. hahaha. looks nice though.)

the couple who shared my table during the concert invited me for thanksgiving dinner. that's really nice of them.

God is good. really good. so why am i feeling uncharacteristically irritated at everything?

miss you too che. :)
nevermind about the pictures. God is good. heehee!


Blogger sookie said...

oh che - i got the julia cookbook. very nice. will try something out.

10:55 PM  
Blogger sookie said...

yay. the family is here.
welcome family. :D

11:07 PM  

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