Monday, November 06, 2006

More apples...more muffins

I still had 2 apples left from my last apple pie endeavour, so I decided to follow in Sook Ning's footsteps and make apple muffins....

I have to say, her knife skills are much more impressive than my peeler skills:

I skipped the streusal topping and opted for just a brown sugar/cinnamon topping....turned out very nice as well. Not too sweet and the sugar caramelised nicely. Mummy.. I think this recipe is nicer than the Better Homes & Gardens one.

I gave as many away as I could as the recipe made 10 BIG muffins...the others I froze. (nb-Yet another plus point- they reheat very well in the microwave). *phew* I dare say that this is going to be the last of apples from me for a loooonnnngggg time....


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