Wednesday, November 15, 2006


disappointed at my "minimal effort bread". i contemplated making my 2nd batch of hot cross buns but i decided against it..and chose to make ENGLISH MUFFINS!!
thanks emma for the recipe.

instead of 4 cups of flour - which you should use..i used like 2 1/2 - 3 cups of flour to keep the dough soft. but in reality, english muffins are pretty firm. mine were nice and soft though. so depends on what you like.
i made half plain and half with the hot cross bun mix - raisins, sultanas and currants.
sooooo good! mm.
pictures to follow

English Muffins (Emma’s recipe)

About twenty 3-inch muffins
English muffins are always baked on a greased griddle.
Have all ingredients at about 75 degrees

1 cup Hot water
½ cup scalded milk
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt

Dissolve for ten minutes 1 packet yeast in 2 tbsp warm water (85º)

Combine in a mixing bowl A.
Combine the two mixtures.
Sift before measuring 4 cups all-purpose flour
Beat 2 cups flour gradually into the milk mixture.
Cover bowl with damp cloth.
Let rise in warm place (85º) for about 1½ hours or until it collapses back into bowl.
Beat in 3 tbsp softened butter
Beat or knead in the remaining flour.
Let rise again until doubled in bulk.
You may put it in greased rings for the final rising, filling them ½ full. If not using rings, place dough on a lightly floured board. Pat or press until ¾ in thick.
Cut it into rounds about 3-inches thick.
Let them stand until the dough has doubled in bulk.
Cook until light brown on a fairly hot, well-buttered griddle.
Turn them once with a pancake turner.

Cool slightly on rack.
To separate, take two forks back to back and pry them open horizontally.
Butter generously and toast

I also made Katherine Hepburn brownies..from a couple of posts back.

I think I cooked it a little too long. I wasn't sure because it was bubbling..looks like witches brewprobably from all the fat in it. Tomorrow is the movie night..but some people can't go. so i thought i'll just bake the brownies early and give it to them straight instead. it tastes alright. rich. could do with a bit of sugar. but i don't have icing sugar.


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