Monday, November 20, 2006

Comfort food

It's interesting how we make associations with what we eat and an emotion. When you are down, what do you eat?
It's not like when you are down, what do you wear? a string of pearls?
Eating and drinking seems to be strongly related to emotion..well, not seems to be, i'm sure it is.

today i made my favourite - soft boil eggs. I ate it with steam mantao because I have no toast.
I miss home and eating soft boil eggs at Avenue K and other kopitiams. I even miss going to KLCC to meet mommy and have kaya toast and eggs and mmmm..delicious ipoh kopi before walking my 5 rounds (in KLCC..round and round window shopping). I miss going to ISetan and checking out their bakery. I miss choosing a "foreign" drink from Isetan's supermarket.
perhaps it's a constant reinforcement. When you go out, you eat the same thing. when you are down, you eat the same thing. and the cognitive association reinforces itself. For now, I just want to go home. but I can't. So I eat soft boil eggs and think of the good times.

Cheche- it'll be ok. you can eat soft boil eggs too. that doesn't change. :)
love you


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