Tuesday, November 21, 2006

aunty annie's..

Name the vegetable:

I think che, that as we are trying new recipes, we should save a soft copy on .doc of the recipes we like. :)
i saved the muffin one from cream puff and the chocolate chip cookie from anita.

On friday i had dinner at black hole bistro. the food is getting better - as compared to the tasteless lamb shank i had on my first visit.
i had pork tenderloin wrapped in seaweed served with a miso sauce. on the side, there was organic sorrel and pasta.


i tried pretzels today. the smoke alarm went off twice. how embarrassing ..hopefully it didn't really wake the guys downstairs, but i think it did. :P

she made 8 with the dough, i only made 5. but i think it could have risen for longer or in a warmer place but i needed to bake them before 8am.

they don't look very impressive hor? but they taste pretty good. i had them with cinnamon and sugar. :)


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