Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Breakfast and curds

Amboi, lama tak jumpa. :)
Research is going well, a little busy. Y'know lah - trying to save the world..*wipe sweat off brow*. Yes, it's hard being the tomb raider. heehee.

Kristin came over for breakfast. We were talking about Montreal and thought we should do breakfast. I made cinnamon raisin french bread. It was really good. Bobo never fails to produce tasty yummy light bread. :)
She brought over fruits and yogurt and had her french toast with chocolate chips. mm.
I had mine with jam and nutella. heehee.

Anyway, the meyer lemon ordeal wasn't over yet...So lemon curd it was. I used the recipe from Chocolate and Zucchini.
It was really good - I had to hand stir the mixture with my Kitchen Aid's "whisk" because I don't have a real whisk. heh.
And what could be better than lemon curd..on meringue?
heheh. That's right. Voila! I also made lemon bars and gave them away.


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