Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pizza night

Last saturday I went over to Kristin's and we had pizza night. :)
If you recall, I made pizza a couple of months ago. I used the same recipe and made bozza. hehe.
I'm getting better at it and I am getting a better idea of how the dough should be like.
Anyway, it was pretty good. I made 2 batches - one higher in hydration (very hard to handle) and one lower in hydration. I mixed cake and bread flour to get a mix that I felt was closer to the italian flour's protein content.
yupyup! :D
heheh. I sound so clever. lol

Here is Sara laying on the toppings.

And here is Kristin and her roommate.
And finally - a pizza!

I should have some sort of clever and witty introduction..but I have none. :(


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