Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hi hi again!
so many posts. Yeah, I'm making up for my absence.

Anyway, I saw Cream Puff's tiramisu recipe and I thought - mm...tiramisu!
heheh. Apparently I'm really easy to influence. :)

I bought a packet of ladies fingers but they tasted AWFUL!! :( So, I thought - why not? WHY not indeed?? So I made my own. I used the Cordon Bleu recipe.
It was excellent. Easy and tasty. So, I ate one..:(
But I later regretted it because I didn't have enough for my tiramisu. haha. So I had to use 2 of the packet ones. They disintegrate really really quickly.
Instead of piping the ladies fingers I just made blobs. hehe. Too much trouble to pipe and I don't have a pastry bag.

Anyway, I searched high and low for a suitable tiramisu recipe. I didn't want to use heavy cream so I used this one by Nick Stellino! If it's good enough for Oprah, it's good enough for Sook Ning! :D
I know, the recipe requires many eggs. I used 7 eggs and cooked the egg yolks (sort of). Didn't really change anything. Was thinking of serving it with roasted hazelnuts.
Anyway, without further ado..



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