Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vanity vanity, all is vanity

My office is right across the chair of soc psych's office. Students stream in and out, eager to catch the pearls of wisdom, keen to establish an illustrative and fruitful career of research.

"I want to do this"
"I have this idea"
"I think this"
"I think that"

Outside this safe ivory tower, people are dying, some child is suffering, and we look at self esteem. Canadians (I'm not picking on them, it's just that I'm in Canada) are shocked when you suggest the world isn't that fair, that democracy isn't necessarily good, that there is discrimination even in this psych department. Do we intentionally blind ourselves so that we can continue to believe that what we are doing is in someway meaningful, and beneficial? So that we can turn off the news when that uncomfortable feeling hits the pit of our stomach? Do we really believe that research on implicit self esteem is more than just a satisfaction of curiousity, a means by which we can feel intellectually superior? Do we think that the world will stop turning when we stop researching?

Words. May my words be few.
God forgive us for thinking that equality with God is something that we can grasp.


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