Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sad and more. :)

I woke up today feeling sick. However, I had already made plans to eat dimsum with Christine from church.
I stayed away from the fried stuff and tried to eat less meat.
I told mommy I was not feeling well - she said drink lemon ginger tea, and eat porridge
I told cheche I was not feeling well - she said take cough exporant.

Anyway, 10 cups of tea later, a bowl of soup, 1 tbsp of cough exporant, 2 lozenges, apple dessert later..I'm feeling better. heehee.

I took it easy today...very easy. :P

Here is the pot of sup tulang! mmm. oh mom, can you buy more of the adabi soup rempah? Sedapnya! really good. Yeah, it's not as healthy as the potent chinese medicine soup - but it's tasty and nice.
I made the stock with chicken bones and leek. Then I chopped up ginger, challots and garlic. Technically you are suppose to use the mortar and pestle and grind them. Tapi, cooking I tak begitu changgih lah. So I just chopped them up best as I could.

So that was my day. Miss you guys. This week was a little lonelier, maybe because Emma and Alexis came and went. But Vanessa was talking about coming up to visit. That would be cool too. And mommy is coming up. So that's very cool! However, the pain comes when everyone leaves. :S
Sometimes it's easier to just retreat than to see people and then have them leave.
Anyway, for now, I'll just look forward to my visitors! :)


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