Sunday, March 11, 2007


Hello. It's sunday now. The days pass too slowly but too quickly. It's almost the end of the term. The new/potential grad students are visiting and I'm nearly done with my first year! Praise God.
What are ideas? If I think of an idea - (which at that point is "non-existent" and consists of a bunch of neurons firing), why am I so possessive of that idea?
Let me want not the things of this world, count everything as lost and Christ gain. I don't want to be competitive in that way, to have to be better than others, to constantly compare. I want to do what I do, to do my best in what I do, and do it unto the glory of God.

Aunty Lily made fatt koh. She has a steamer, I don't. I have a pot..and nothing can fit into it. So I made fatt koh in a cup.

It was really tasty. Mom, you should try this recipe. The soda was good - and the cake didn't split to a spongy half and a dense half. It's almost like the brown steamed sponge cake.

On Friday, my two classmates and I went for dinner and jazz at the PI. Dione Taylor was this month's feature act. Wow. She was really good. Very nice range, and very versatile style.
The food was pretty good.
I try to keep my bill to 22 dollars so my total + tax+tip isn't >30.
So anyway, I ordered a main (salmon), and a latte. My friends ordered dessert, to be brought out during intermission. Dan brought out 3 desserts! And I told him I didn't order it, but I'll take it anyway. Jokingly I said, it should be complimentary. Anyway, when the bill came, he gave me a discount for my latte and dessert! That was nice of him. :)

Kristin's surprise party is on Thursday. I think I'm going to make the flourless chocolate cake that cream puff and her friends made. Stay tune!!


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