Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I haven't made bread in quite a while..so I decided to make cinnamon raisin oatmeal bread. I added 1/3 cup of sourdough and I soaked the steel cut oats overnight. Hm..I think I kept to the recipe pretty closely - except I halved it.

rating: mmmmm...very tasty.
Different from the previous cinnamon swirl I made, but nonetheless, the multigrain flour+oats gave it a really nice texture and flavour (honey too!). It was also quite moist - probably from the sourdough.

So all in all, very good. Mom - you are coming soon!! Then you can have fresh bread every other day..I don't know how much bread you can eat..heheh, but you'll have to try all the good recipes.

Anyway, my friend's surprise b'day party is soon..so exciting!! She thinks I'm not coming. hehehe. :D

Jacqui is back in town - well, not in town but at least back from the field. Continue to commit her to God in prayer.
Oh, she might be coming to Canada in August! WOOHOOOO. I'm spoilt and God is good.

Signing off,


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