Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm baa-aack...

Yoyo! Miss me?
Guest blogger is back! This time with goodies for a PARTY!

The unsuspecting birthday girl minutes before the grand opening. For those not in the know, I'm really just the messenger. The real genius behind this is foggy eyed mafily from Canada! (hooorah for her dedication - it's 5am there you see). You can't see it from the photos but she's actually watching the action from the comp webcam.

WOW! It's a Sansa Clip 4GB MP3 Player!!
Thanks all!! I love it!!

Fancy headphones and all!
"The audio is so good the music sounds almost...LIVE!!"
*guest blogger serenading from behind*

Lala and Pokie testing out the sound quality.

Now here's the real surprise.

"Dear cheche, We regret to inform you that your birthday present will be...delayed. It's not in stock in Australia at present time. Thank you for your patience. Nevertheless, happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts!"

Still love us?

No ah?

We anticipated you being a bit overwhelmed so we brought you this...

and this...

...for back up cheer :)


The party of 3 is great...a lot of weeweewah-ing over continents.

OK...My turn to give thanks.

Thank you God for giving me family in Canada and Australia
...and for graciously growing them one more year :)

Happy Birthday!



Anonymous Anonymous said...




I'm so sorry I didn't call. I kept wanting to call but then stuff kept coming up! :(

Anyway, tomorrow is papa's birthday and I'm going to try to find some DVDs for him, the western cowboy ones.

1. My name is Trinity.
2. Trinity is still my name.
3. A fistful of Dollars.
4. For a few dollars more.
5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

So hopefully I can find it. Or else maybe I'll just buy ice cream for him!!! Haagen Daz! hahaha

5:51 AM  

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