Friday, February 16, 2007

Snowing is blowing with bocia and cookies

Today was an alright day. It's been snowing non stop, very cold. :)
Che: you look very nice singing in the rain. heh.

Went out for dinner with my classmate, D. It was a good time. Been going for prayer meeting the whole week. That's also pretty good. I hope that I will get to know them. Some of the guys seem pretty cool.
Anyway, I wanted to make foccacia..ever since I read this. I didn't make that many changes, just added gouda cheese on top. :D

And then yesterday, I wanted to bake something. I'm running out of ingredients though. Anyway, I had some stuff at hand, and after looking at several recipes, I settled on this. (I might also try this..) It seems that many people like soft cookies, I prefer harder cookies. I don't have chocolate nibs so I replaced with chocolate chips. The addition of the fleur de sel really does make a difference. Somehow finding that grain of salt ..make a big difference. You would think that it would melt, or that it wouldn't fit with the sweetness/chocolatey goodness of the cookie, but somehow the salt makes you crave something more.

I guess that's us - the salt of the earth. The salt didn't melt or blend in with the sweetness, but it stood out. And once you tasted it, mmm - it tasted good. The palate was pleased. :)
You are in the world but not of the world.

Cookie on a cup. :)

Before I forget, Gong Hei Fatt Choi. I miss CNY and wish I was home to celebrate it with you guys. Love you all - say hi to the family.


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