Tuesday, March 20, 2007

(almost) all expenses paid

I went down to London 2 weekends ago to try to get my South Africa visa. I didn't get the visa...BUT, I had a really good time with Penny and later got to meet up with Paul & Vi too. That's them at the bar we went to for after dinner drinks.

But, I'm jumping ahead of myself.... On Saturday Penny took me to explore almost all the bridges- London Bridge, Millennium Bridge and other minor bridges whose names I don't remember. On one of the bridges that crosses over to the Tate Museum, we found a caramel nut man!! YEAY!! His nuts quite funky- had cashews and the odd macadamia on top of the peanuts. It was good. So much so that we had another cup on the way back. I said it was to compensate for my previous London trip where we couldn't find the caramel nut man (a different man..)

At the Tate Museum, we lined up for FREE tickets to take the slide from teh fifth floor. It's part of the Unilver exhibition : http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/carstenholler/default.shtm We had to come back an hour and a half later for out turns but it was SO cool. Really exciting and the ride quite bumpy too. They actually advice using headgear on the way down but no one did. I wanted to look cool, so I didn't use headgear and realised at the end that I probably should have.

We went to Paul & Vi's new apartment on Sunday night. Didn't do much. Just hung around and talked. It was really nice though to be able to sprawl around and speak my rojak English and make fun of each other...I'm really so glad for them. They asked Penny for a good place for Japanese and then I invited then & myself to Japanese dinner on Monday.

This is my udon. I love noodles!! Service was rubbish but the food was good. Paul so graciously bought us dinner....even Penny. He told her that she deserved something after being my friend for 13 years. With friends like that...hehheee. We went for drink after then I caught the train back to Nuneaton.

God is really good. I have been broke-ish and hardly had to spend any money this weekend but had loads and loads of fun. I thank Him for friends. Real ones :)


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