Thursday, March 01, 2007

she loves me, yeah, yeah, yeah

IT CAME!! SN's care package posted on 24/1/07 and here on 1/3/07 . What a month! But definately worth the wait. came right on time.

The first view...exciting, exciting..

The BEST chocolate chip cookies. Not too sweet, just the right amount of chocolatiness. It may seem from the photo that SN was really stingy and did not send me enough. Au contraire..the whole container was full but SN's note said to share and I did. Everyone really liked it...someone wants the recipe. Can? I told them that the secret was real chocolate that my sister does not, no, no...

A boxful of mini M&M's. WHAT A TREAT! And so many different tube colours. *grin* I've opened one tube already and the note specifically says I can hoard it. Hehee...believe me, I will! All the way to South Africa even. I hope they don't melt.

Thank you so much SN. I love you and your care packages and everything God created you as.

ps. I know that there are a lot of capitals and exclamation marks but that's because I'm still so excited over the goodies!! I could see envious looks, believe you me... :)

pps. There were homemade marshmallows as well but they had gone a bit off so they had to be thrown away. Sorry SN. But, I did eat all the chocolate off the coated ones. haha


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