Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Flowers, flowers everywhere

I psyched myself up to be sociable and family-like and joined my cell group for an outing on Saturday to a tulip farm in Mt. Dandenong. *pats self on back*

There was a little bit of a detour on the way to the meeting point at church though. Semi-housemate dropped me off at at Melbourne Central & I had to walk through the shops. Lo and behold, I passed an AV shop and thought to myself... maybe they have the headphones SN told me about. AND they had a sale sign on its windows too! I asked for a PX 100 (I missed out the M and then only realised later that a asked for a whole different model). Anyway, I ended up with a PX 200 and I really love it!

Back to tulip farms....

I was really carsick on the way up. Combination of driver, driving, mountains and bad suspensions. I cheered up once I saw the tulips though. It's still a bit too early in the season so the tulips weren't in full bloom yet but still very very pretty.

We went to the Observation Deck for a view of the city. (Sorry..didn't manage to get a shot of the city but I did get the sunset. *grin*)

And ended up at the Mount Dandenong Hotel for dinner

My stomach was too queasy for food but I still got to try their signature dish (stolen from a friend..hehee) :
Crackled pork belly served with pickled red slaw, apple, walnuts and raisins

The picture really doesn't so it justice because it was GOOD. The pork crackling really crackled and the pork just melts in your mouth. Highly recommended.

The chicken parma...typical pub fare. In wonder if they have these in other parts of the world.

I had Caesar's salad because just could not stomach anything else. Unremarkable.

It was a loonnngg day but nice. I'm glad I went. Kinda :)


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