Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yes, I am still here


I have to confess that I don't have any new photos to upload at all. I'm really sorry. One reason is that I haven't been cooking much and the other is that I really am so busy with work & moving. Sorry :(

So, here is a blast from the past when I was home in June. It started early one morning when 2 young ladies & their mummy went for somebody's favourite breakfast.

They had to traverse through some dodgy lanes and pass some pretty interesting/disgusting (only to non-Malaysians, for us...biasa sahaja) food stalls . Dead chickens hanging??? Only in Malaysia..

They finally reached their destination...YONG TAU FOO!!! YUMMMYYYYY!!! This young lady when to the stall to order and watch the aunty in action. I ordered mostly foo chook pieces....heheee..

In the less than 5 minutes I was away, mummy went off to get more 'nibbles'. She came back with half a duck!!!! And chee cheong fun to boot!!! Needless to say we were so full. She said she thought we would just like to try. haha... I wish I could try them now.

And to complete the meal...we had cendol...yumm... Although, after that, we discovered a nicer cendol from Nonya Colours in One Utama.

It was such a nice way to spend the morning. Thanks mummy & SN :)

I miss you guys.

p.s. The flowers are me trying to bring out my creative side


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