Sunday, September 23, 2007


I borrowed the Gourmet Traveller Essentials cookbook 2 weeks back. I was reading it in bed about to drop off when the semi-housemate walks in and starts laughing. After she finally stopped, I offered to cook dinner and we decided on poached chicken. The laughter started up again when I read the recipe to her and told her that chicken is meant to sit in the water for 2 hours. She of little faith reminded me that if it doesn't work, I can always steam it to save time. Huh..honestly.

The chicken ala Hainanese style was BRILLIANT!! The meat was tender and juicy and just really yummy. I also cooked taugeh and salted fish and made special Hainanese rice. Mmmmm.....

To poach chicken:
Rinse the chicken and place (last) in pot with COLD water (must cover chicken), salt, coriander roots, ginger, peppercorns and spring onions. Return to boil, cover with tight fitting lid, turn off heat and leave covered for 2 hours.

note: I used breast & thigh fillet (both skin on) and only left it for about an hour.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think I will try this recipe..

2:35 AM  

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