Saturday, November 10, 2007

Studley Park

On my last day off I decided to go exploring in a different park. Well, it actually started out for food purposes...I wanted to have breakfast at The Boulevard which is in Studley Park. So, I figured I might as well walk before breakfast and then be able to enjoy breakfast guilt free. I also had LY's car since he was in China for a medical conference.

I wasn't sure which part of the park to start at so I chose the Boathouse (another restaurant). I figured since there was a restaurant there, it'll be a good place. I know, sounds like a stupid reason right. Oh, well. I was there rather early so mine was the only car in the carpark. I did see some people though so I wasn't too scared.

The bridge was the first thing I saw so I went across it. I encountered a biker and these:

I basically just followed the river and went along it. The river is lllooonnnnng.... Apparently there was a volcano explosion many years before that divided the river and resulted in the different rock kinds and this: It reminds me of the rocks along NKVE that mummy used to take SN and I to look at late at night.

I did make it to breakfast at the Boulevard. I has eggs benedict and a HUGE cup of coffee. I sat on the terrace outside that is directly next to the public golf course. There weren't that many people there cause it was a weekday. I didn't get to take photos cause...errr...very poshy poshy there. :) Can check it out here though:

What can I say..I LOVE DAY OFFS!!!


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