Friday, November 02, 2007

Love is also spelt P-r-e-s-e-n-t-s

Okay, maybe some of you are bored of reading about my birthday already. But the thing is, I have still been receiving presents in the mail and am feeling extremely blessed. So, the lowdown (in order of when received) of INTERNATIONAL LOVING:

#1 from Malaysia- Mummy's & SN's present via Uncle FC. The black lace top from M&S & the nice girly one from Naf Naf. I also received a Moleskin notebook that I've been wanting to get for ages but a bit expensive and multi coloured gel pens. YEAY!! (Mummy said that she's not sure if she or SN paid for the pens & notebook but she suspects she did). Mummy always gets me the nicest presents. Thanks ma (& SN although I'm not sure which part you contributed too..hahaha)

#2 from Oxford- A 'comic strip' of how Rob & I ended up in DTS and as friends. It actually came in a frame which broke on its way here :( It means a lot to me (the picture not the frame)

#3 from Switzerland- Kelda's amazing artwork & a bracelet & a 3 page letter. I miss you Kelda

#4 from Dorset- A jewellary box & card from Chris B. I can just imagine him shopping around for it after having to watch him shop around for gifts in Africa. *hugs*

#5 from Washington State- A top & bath salts from BFF Susan. She actually brought the bath salts back from Israel & then sent them to me here in Australia. The top fits perfectly! (Sorry, bad picture)

#5 from California- A HUGE box of sweets & a Sodoku & a story book from Annie. It actually came via priority mail and postage was exorbitant. Thank you SO MUCH. Especially for remembering how I love peanut butter M&M's & don't get them in Australia.

God, thank you for your grace.

I love you all & really miss you guys.


Blogger Unknown said...

thank God for good friends who send with much thought and love

3:16 PM  

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