Friday, October 26, 2007

High Class

I was planning to eat dim sum with SA, JJ, HK & PT on the Saturday before my birthday. Of the 4, HK & PT couldn't make it & JJ ffk-ed me. So, it ended up with just SA and I. Unbeknownst to me, SA decided against dim sum and surprised me on that day with....LUNCH AT DONOVAN'S!!! ( ). I've been wanting to dine there for ages but couldn't afford it. And now I can say I have!!

We started with an entree. We opted for the '4 tastes' which had zucchini, corn, salmon and something else I can't remember. The zucchini was so simply cooked but it was really some zucchini! (Sorry, we were so excited that I forgot to take photos of the entree)

We then moved on to the mains. SA wanted seafood-either the Queensland leader prawns or the line caught fish. I told here that I wanted one or the other too. She ended up ordering the prawns:

And I had the fish. The fish of the day was baby snapper but I had no idea that it would be so big! I was honestly expecting something the size of the little ikan bawal that we used to deep fry. No way hose, this was HUGE!! It was perfectly cooked though. The flesh came away so easily from the bones but was in no way overcooked. The scary thing was that I actually finished the whole thing. It took a while but I did.

We then finished the meal off with coffee (for SA) & mint tea for me AND BOMBE ALASKA!! We has mentioned to the waitress earlier on that it was my birthday and the kitchen decorated my plate with 'happy birthday'. That's service for you. I was so full by then but it was so good. I even poured extra chocolate sauce on mine..*happy contented sigh*

It was such a lovely treat. Even the weather was perfect. I am blessed :)

ps. The meal kept me full for 1 1/2 days.

pps. There was a couple on the table next to ours who remarked to the waitress and then me that they were watching me the whole time and were quite impressed with my performance.


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