Friday, October 26, 2007

The actual day

As in previous years, I wasn't feeling that social by the time my birthday rolled around. I didn't feel like fussing around organising my own birthday but then after the...errr..'telling off' I got from JL, I thought I'ld try harder this year. So, I did. I wanted to go to the Boathouse along the Maribyrnong but it's closed Monday nights. To tell the truth, I didn't care already after that so was willing to settle for Footscray. Thank God (once again) for good friends so with a little nudging from NHT, we ended up at Akira for Japanese.

(Akira is the Jap restaurant that was behind Mel's place in North Melbourne)

They have entree specials that change apparently twice a day. There's a selection of 15-20 dishes. We ordered a few things but my favourite was the deep fried crab and also the eggplant (no surprises there). Again, we were hungry so didn't get too many photos.

Fellow ex-trainees:

It was nice to just listen to the conversations and hang out together. I think I'm aging. Why did the lack of presents not bother me???? hehee


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