Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Baking Biscotti

I had a sudden biscotti craving about a week ago due to my scouring MANY MANY italian recipes in an attempt to decide what to cook for my old classmates who were coming for dinner.

So, I did... I actually made 2 batches on 2 consecutive days. The first was hazelnut & chocolate and the second was almond and chocolate. I liked the hazelnut one better.

The recipe actually called for all purpose flour with just a pinch of baking soda. I only had self-raising flour, so I made do.

Mixing the ingredients:
Biscotti logs:

The biscotti had to be baked twice. First as logs for about 20 minutes. After that you let it cool and then slice it and bake again. I had mega problems trying to slice them to the 0.5cm asked for. Mine were at least 1 cm thick. Didn't quite bother me although I would like to know how to slice them thin.

And voila!

I liked them! The recipe didn't make as much as I thought although this was probably because I sliced them so thickly. Haha...that gave me the excuse for the 2nd batch the next day..

p.s. excuse the bad lighting and the funny shade of green of the pictures of the flour & biscotti logs. I took the pictures at night and obviously used the wrong settings


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